Best #1 Minecraft Ocean Monument – 2022


Minecraft Ocean Monument

Minecraft Ocean Monument: The most terrifying structures in Minecraft are the Ocean Monuments. These structures are large and dangerous and can be home to dangerous mobs.

Minecraft Ocean

Minecraft Ocean Monument: Everything players must know

Where to find an Ocean Monument

find an Ocean Monument

Ocean Monuments are located in the following biomes.

  • Deep Ocean
  • Deep Frozen Ocean
  • Deep Cold Ocean
  • Deep Lukewarm Ocean
  • Deep Warm Ocean

Gamers will find these biomes when they travel far from the coast. However, they may not be able to locate a Deep Ocean biome. Ocean Monument is a challenge!

When the lights are brighter, it is best to visit the monument at night.

What are those mobs?

Guardians are the mobs mentioned above.

Guardians can be described as hostile individuals who shoot lasers from their eyes—the laser charges for two seconds before it fires at the person, inflicting six red heart damage.

If the player is on Normal difficulty, the laser can cause an additional one-heart magic harm (bypasses armor)

Guardians can inflict injury on anyone whose spikes are too long.

What are those mobs

What’s inside the Monument?

Elder Guardians spawn in addition to the guardians. The fish is enormous, a powerful laser that can do eight hearts of damage when fully charged.

If the laser isn't connected to the player and follows their movements, it will charge the battery. If they can't move away from the laser or behind a block before it's fully charged and regret it later, they'll be held responsible.

The Elder Guardian might also make it necessary for the player to suffer Mining Fatigue at a minimum every 60 minutes. It makes it difficult to escape the Monument.

inside the Monument

The guardian regular is similar to the Elder Guardian. It causes two damage in Normal Mode and three for hard.

What about the loot?

Ocean Monuments have the best loot in Minecraft!

Here is a list of loot that you might get:

  • Sponges (from Elder Guardian and Sponge Rooms).
  • Prismarine Blocks
  • Sea Lanterns
  • Gold Blocks (8 are found in the topmost area together with the Elder Guardian).
  • Dark Prismarine Blocks

The sponge rooms, as seen in the photo above, are one of the most unusual rooms within the Monument. After being removed from the furnace, the sponges are used to absorb the water and are good for use as bases in the ocean.

Gamers may also be able to earn "The Deep End" achievement if they can defeat the Elder Guardian.


What should I do with my ocean monument?

An ocean monument can be tackled for a number of reasons. To find sea lanterns, sponges, and pristine. To establish a guardian farm in order to obtain more prismarine, sea lanterns (and fish)

What loot is in ocean monuments?

Each Ocean Monument's Treasure Chamber contains 8 gold blocks. They are hidden behind Dark Prismarine. Prismarine is only available in Ocean Monuments. If you wish to use it in your own building, you will need to get it from there. Sea Lanterns can be used as light sources to illuminate underwater structures.

What is the spot of ocean monuments in Minecraft?

The Ocean Monument, a structure that was added in 1.8, only naturally generates underwater. It is where you can find all variations of Prismarine or Sea Lanterns. It is dangerous and not recommended to be entered unless you are already proficient in the game.

Do all ocean monuments have sponge rooms?

Sponge rooms are sponge rooms that contain sponges. They can only be found in structures within the ocean biome, called ocean monuments. It is easiest to locate an ocean monument by boat at night.

How do you stop mining fatigue in the ocean monument?

Use slime blocks to remove the water, then dig a hole through the roof. Shoot the elder guardian at the top with a bow and you will get your first sponge. To counter the Mining Fatigue uses milk in Java Edition.

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